Tuesday, September 18, 2018

History Of Computer

Historical Development Of Computer

Already we know that a computer is a amazing machine and well as it is an electronic device.Now we have to learn that how the historical development of computer was started in the world.
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Actually the first electronic data process computer does not go back more than just an half century in the year 1940's. In early days when our ancestor was used to reside in cave the counting was a problem. Still it is started becoming difficult. When they started using stones to count their animals but they never knew that this day its becomes an computers today. 
Today people was started following a collection of procedures to performs calculations with the stones. Later, This was created as digital counting device, finally it was predecessor for the first calculating device invented. It is also known as a Abacus.


Abacus is one of the first mechanical calculating device. Which was used to perform the additions, Subtraction with easily and  speedily.
Abacus was first developed "ED" by the Egyptian in the 10th century B.C . But it was given finally shape in the 12th century A.D by the Chinese  educationists. Abacus is made up of wooden frame which is fixed into across  with round beads sliding on the rod. It is dividing into two parts called "Heaven" and "Earth" heaven is the upper part and earth is the lower part.

Napier's Bones

Later abacus As the necessary demand, A Scotland mathematician was started inventing better calculating device.
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In this process John Napier invented  a calculating device in the year 1617  called as Napier Bones. He is used bone rods for the purpose of addition, Multiplication, Subtraction & Division of number easily.

Pascal's Calculator

A French mathematician Blaise Pascal invented a mechanical calculator in the year 1942 called Pascal's Calculator
It consisted of a box with eight movable wheels and it was mainly used for addition, Multiplication, Subtraction & Division of big numbers.

Leibniz Calculator

A German mathematician Gottfried invented a Leibniz model to modified from the Pascal model one in the year 1671.
He developed a machine which is perform various calculations based on Multiplications & Division as well.

Analytical Engine  

A England scientist "Charles Babbage" A father of computer invented a first engine machine called as Analytical Engine in the year 1833. It is also known as first mechanical computer in the world, which included the feature used in today computer languages. 

Charles Babbage 

Charles Babbage was an English, A mathematician, Philosopher, Inventor and mechanical engineer etc. He developed machine capable with the concepts of a  computer called digital programmable computer.

For this great invention of the computer name called Charles Babbage also known as Father Of Computer in the year 1822.

John Atanasoff

The Atanasoff-Berry Computer called ABC was the first developed a automatic electronic digital computer in the year 1937. The ABC innovations included Electronic Computation,  Binary Arithmetic, Parallel Processing, Regenerative Capacitor Memory and separation of memory well as Computing functions. 

John Mauchly & Eckart

The John Mauchly & Eckart was developed the first largest scale Electronic  Digital Computer in the year 1946. They were introduced the army school to built the Electronic numerical Integrator and calculator called ENIAC .

Maurice V . Wilkes

The Maurice V . Wilkes (Cambridge university) was designed the Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator  (EDSAC) in the year 1949. It was the first computer that started the operating  system on the stored programming concept.