Monday, December 17, 2018

MS-Word Short Cut Keys

MS-Word Short Cut Keys

  • CTRL + A  =  Select all the data or text in a document.
  • CTRL + B  =  Bold the selected text (thickness of the text).
  • CTRL + C  =  Copy the text document.
  • CTRL + D  =  Font Settings or alignment.
  • CTRL + E  =  Central alignment .
  • CTRL + F  =   Find What ( Find the words or letters in a document).
  • CTRL + G =   Go To ( Go to the page).
  • CTRL + H =   Replace the data ( Whatever we find the data and replace on it) .
  • CTRL + I   =   Italic 

  • CTRL + J  =   Justify the data (Adjustment the data).
  • CTRL + K  =  Hyper Link ( To link between one document to another one) .
  • CTRL + L  =   Left Alignment 
  • CTRL + M  =  Indent the paragraph  (Move the cursor 0.5 inch from the left side ).
  • CTRL + N   =  Create the new document.
  • CTRL + O   =  Open the existed document. 
  • CTRL + P   =   Print the document.
  • CTRL + Q   =   Indent the paragraph  (Move the cursor 0.5 inch from the right side ).
  • CTRL + R   =   Right Alignment .
  • CTRL + S   =   Save the document.
  • CTRL + T   =   Hang the indent. 
  • CTRL + U   =   Under Line the Text. 
  • CTRL + V   =    Paste the Text or data.
  • CTRL + W =   Close the current file or document.
  • CTRL + X   =    Cut the text or document.
  • CTRL + Y   =    Redo (Delete the text).
  • CTRL + Z   =    Undo (Get back the text or data what we loss).
  • F1               =  Open the help menu.
  • F5               =  Find, replace, goto.
  • F7               =   Spell and Crammer Checking. 
  • CTRL + SHIFT + F  =  Font setting.
  • CTRL + SHIFT+ >   =  Increment the font size.
  • CTRL + SHIFT + <  =  Decrement the  font size.
  • CTRL + ]                     =  Increment the font size +1pt text.
  • CTRL + [                     =  Decrement the font size -1pt text.
  • CTRL + SHIFT + *   =  Show or view the hiding spaces.
  • CTRL + ⬅️    =  Move the cursor from one word to the left.
  • CTRL + ➡️    =  Move the cursor from one word to the right.
  • CTRL + ⬆️      =  Move the cursor from the beginning of line paragraph .
  • CTRL + ⬇️      =  Move the cursor from the  end of the paragraph.
  • CTRL + 1      =  Single space to the line of  a text.
  • CTRL + 2     =  Double space to the line of  a text.
  • CTRL + 5     =  1.5 space to the line of  a text.
  • CTRL + F1   =  Minimize the ribbon .
  • CTRL + F2  =  Print preview.
  • CTRL + F4  =  Close the current file or document.
  • CTRL + F10 =  Maximize the document.
  • CTRL + F12  =  Open the document.
  • CTRL + Enter             =  Go to the next page of a document.
  • CTRL + DEL               =  Delete the next word.
  • CTRL + =                     =  Sub Script .
  • CTRL + Shift + =       =   Super Script.   
  • CTRL + Shift + A       =  Change all the character into capital words.
  • CTRL + Shift + L       =  Change the bullet points .
  • CTRL + ALT + 1         =  Change the text of the heading 1.
  • CTRL + ALT + 2        =  Change the text of the heading 2.
  • CTRL + ALT + 3        =  Change the text of the heading 3.
  • CTRL + Shift + F12  =  Print Option.
  • ALT + Shift + D        =  Display the Current date and year .
Special Keys

1.      Ctrl + Alt + C = copy right symbol ©

2.      Ctrl + Alt + D = super script for roman numbers

3.      Ctrl + Alt + E = € symbol

4.      Ctrl + Alt + F = create a footer numbers

5.      Ctrl + alt + h = Text highlight colors

6.      Ctrl + alt + I = Print Preview.

7.      Ctrl + alt + k = Normal Font.

8.      Ctrl + alt + L = Number alignments.

9.      Ctrl + alt + m = Comment Line.

10.  Ctrl + alt + n = Draft

11.  Ctrl + alt + o = Outline

12.  Ctrl + alt + R = ® Mark symbol

13.  Ctrl + alt + s = split screen

14.  Ctrl + alt + t = ™ symbol

15.  Ctrl + alt + v = Paste special

16.  Ctrl + alt + y =  find , replace .

17.  Ctrl + alt + z = rotation shift.