Wednesday, November 18, 2020

how to create a letter in ms word.

 How to Prepare Letter Format document on MS-Word.

Letter format document is used to the create the documents used for school leave letters, Professional Business letters, Personal Family Letters, Government Authority Letters, Etc...

In the below following steps is used to the create a sample letter.

1. Click Window Button + R.

Run Command Prompt on ms Word.jpg
2. On the Run command  prompt  write as  "winword" .

3. Click on the OK button Or Press enter button .

4. After a few Seconds Ms word document format will be open. Which is shown in the below image.

Letter format document on ms word.jpeg

5. Write a sample text like Letter Format on the document.

Left alignment option in letter format.jpeg

6. By default letter text is placing on the left alignment.
7. Select the particular text and apply Bold, Under Line , center alignment options (Ctrl +  E)  short cut key for applying the text. Which is shown in the Below image.

Bold, Under Line, center alignment option .jpeg

8. Write a sample text like Place, Date on the right alignment option in a document.

Right alignment option .jpeg

9. Write a sample text like TO  address, The Class Teacher on left alignment option in a document.

10. Write a text on body of the message in a letter document. After select the paragraph text and click justify option in the paragraph alignment. 

Body of the message on letter format.jpeg

11. Write a sample text like yours faithfully on the right side alignment option.

Right side alignment text.jpeg

12. Finally doing all the steps, we simply check the document format i.e alignments every thing. Later we check the print preview option Ctrl + F2 short cut key. 

13. Finally the letter format document is over.

Letter document format.jpeg